Katy Cinco Ranch vs Katy Tompkins - 2021 Week 5 Football Highlights


Cinco Ranch opening district play against undefeated and 7th ranked Katy Tompkins

6 minutes to go in the first quarter, Cougars take the lead. Gavin Rutherford to Seth Salverino in the back of the end zone for the 11 yard score. 7-0 Cinco Ranch

But here comes Tompkins, Cole Francis finds Wyatt Young on a 42 yard slicer right up the middle. Falcons have this thing tied up.

After kicking a field goal to make it 10-7, Tompkins kicks off to Yetxiel (Yets-e-ul) Perez-Gilbes (gil-bus) and that seems to be a mistake. They call him "Jet" and its no wonder why. The jet is on the runway folks. Perez Gilbes outruns the Falcons special teams to the end zone. A 95 yard touchdown giving the Cougars a 14-10 lead.

But Tompkins would rally behind sophomore running back, Caleb Blocker. 3rd quarter he goes in from the 2 to put the Falcons up 26-14.

Then Blocker runs right behind his big offensive line for an 8 yard score and that would seal it. Tompkins goes up 3 scores and would hold on to the 32-28 win.

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