Denton Ryan vs Shadow Creek - Football Highlights


In Class 5A Division One, Shadow Creek also back at state for the second year in a row, the Sharks meet Denton Ryan in this year’s final. Shadow Creek trails 8-7 in the 2nd quarter, when sophomore Randy Masters makes a head-up play on special teams. After a wild punt, Masters scoops up the ball at the 36 yard line and returns it for a touchdown that gives the Sharks a 14-8 halftime lead.

Randy Masters 39:28 It was a Peter call, so everybody thought the ball was dead, Me, being a smart player, all the momentum was going to the right, so I scooped it up and went to the left

The Sharks defense is in attack mode for much of the night, holding the Raiders to just 56 yards of offense in the first half. Senior Linebacker Jeremiah Harris tallies three sacks on his way to defensive MVP honors.

Jeremiah Harris 36:09 Our bodies felt the hard work that we put in, the early morning film sessions, complaining about it, the coaches told us it was all going to pay off, and we just listened to the coaches and it all paid off tonight

The Sharks lead 21-15 with less than four minutes left in regulation, when junior quarterback Kyron Drones breaks free for a 56 yard run all the way down to the Ryan 8. He rushes for 136 yards and 2 scores on the night. On the next, Kelvon Brown trots in from 8 yards out to put the Sharks up by 13.

Kyron Drones 33:08 It took us a while to get going, but everybody knows when we get rolling, ain’t no stopping us, the OL played great making pockets, making holes, the receivers making plays on the ball

But the Raiders cut it to 28-22 and have the ball at Shadow Creek’s 25 yard line with two seconds left on the clock. But Denton Ryan’s hail mary attempt falls incomplete and Shadow Creek captures the state title in just the program’s second year of varsity competition.

Brad Butler 24:47 It’s the first group that’s been at SC for four years, they’re a tight group, a special bond with them and the coaches, you set out goals and you work for them, but it feels really good when things fall into place

It was an emotional victory celebration for Head Coach Brad Butler, whose father lost a battle with cancer shortly after last year’s title game.

25:41 Personally, when we were here a year ago, my dad was battling cancer, died shortly after the season, just such a feeling for me to know, he and all his buddies, football fans up there, sitting around, they have a smile on their face tonight, just very gratifying for me on a personal note

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