Wharton Looking to Build Off a 3 Win Season


Despite triple digits on the thermometer, the Wharton Tigers attack practice with a sense of hope and optimism. Which was not always easy to do a year ago. In 2020 and 2021, the Tigers played a combined 20 games and saw nothing in the win column. Then entered a new head coach…Alvin Dotson….and right away he began to work on the culture of Wharton football. Dotson took a bunch of guys who felt no one cared and showed them he believed in them.

Dotson, despite not having a lot of time to implement his game plan, helped lead the Tigers to 3 wins last year. This season, with a full off season to work with, he hopes to double that win total by using the one thing his Wharton squad has a plethora of…..team speed. The Tiger offense is loaded with fast athletes, especially at running back, where sophomore Brandon Sims and Jacarious “Jo Jo” Wiley have really stood out this summer

Another part of the plan is to instill confidence in young quarterback, Ja’Keion Jackson. Everybody, from coaches to teammates, sees the potential in the young sophomore. Now, he just has to tap into it.

One thing every Tiger believes in is their ultimate goal for 2023. And that’s to make the post season and to continue to build the culture of Wharton football.

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