Tomball Memorial - Chevy Spotlight


Unstoppable. Through the first 4 games of the season, that’s about as accurate a description as you can get when talking about the Tomball Memorial offense. 62 and a half points a game and showing no signs of slowing down. It’s the kind of offense that not only boosts confidence, but energizes the Wildcat defense as well.

Putting up ridiculous numbers on some teams isn’t going to open a lot of eyes, but when the Wildcats scored 66 points in a 3 point win over highly ranked West Brook, that’s another story. The win instantly put the rest of area 6-A teams on alert.

What else has caught the attention of their fans is who the Wildcats added to their kicking game. That’s senior, Lorelai (Laura-lie) Stramrood (Stram-rude) who, until July of this year, hadn’t kicked a football in 2 years. Instead she kicked soccer balls…..the sport she will play in college as she’s committed to Baylor for soccer. However, Stramrood is set to graduate in December and will miss the Tomball Memorial soccer season. Looking for a sport to play in the fall as a “last hurrah” to high school sports, Lorelai thought about reaching out to a Wildcat coach.
Since the Wildcats regular kicker suffered a injury during the summer, the coaches had nothing to lose. After watching her kick they made their decision…..Lorelai would become Tomball Memorial’s first ever female kicker.

Stramrood’s first field goal attempt was blocked, but her teammates did not let her hang her head. Now, because of her love for the sport, she’s the first one on the field after a touchdown. Ready to add more points to the Wildcats ledger.

What has taken Stramrood by surprise is the fanfare she’s been getting. Only looking for a new challenge, Lorelai has been a role model to little girls in her community.

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