Shadow Creek vs Pasadena Dobie - Girls 2022 Basketball Highlights


9th ranked Shadow Creek girls taking on Pasadena Dobie in a 2nd round playoff match.

Unreal start for the Lady Longhorns. Here's Kendall Brown with a 3 from the wing and Dobie led 6-1 early

Victoria Rivera would hit 3 3's in the first quarter. Dobie would lead Shadow Creek 22 to 1 in the 2nd and were thinking upset.

Second half, the Sharks finally started hitting some shots. Especially R'mani Taylor who scored 17 of her 20 points in the second half. This one cuts the lead to 9.

Shadow Creek would keep plugging away and finally get the lead. Lala Trail with the 3 and Shadow Creek erases the 21 point deficit to win it 43-38 and advances to the regional quarterfinals.

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