Houston Westside vs Houston Heights - 2022 Week 8 Houston High School Football Highlights


Dr. Doom, Robert Brazille, on hand to catch Heights take on Westside at Delmar Stadium

First quarter, Allen Rainey in the shot gun for Heights, but he has no intention on passing. He's off and that's a 10 yard touchdown. Bulldogs led 6-2.

Westside would get the lead back when Thaddeus Watson calls his number for the 3 yard keeper. 8-6 Wolves.

Quarterback keeper seemed to be the theme in the first quarter. Rainey on the 6 yard score. Heights up 12-8.

2nd quarter, Rainey will throw this time. The screen goes to Amilcar Frazur and watch those juke moves. He's got them all standing in place and Frazur takes it to the house on the 24 yard score. Heights now up 25-8.

Westside finally gets Heights to punt and the snap goes over the punter's head. The Wolves rush in and pounce on it in the end zone for 6 to cut the Bulldog lead to 25-16.

Wolves continue to be opportunistic. Rainey looks like he's going to be flung down, but he gets popped and the ball is loose. Jaiden McKinney picks it up and he's heading the other way. No on will catch him and we have a ball game as Westside only trails 25-23.

4th quarter, Frazur takes the quick pitch and again somehow avoids tackles, gets into the end zone and helps lead Heights to the 45-37 win. A huge win for the Bulldogs.

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