Hitchcock at Columbus - 2022 Week 8 Houston High School Football Highlights


How about this monster matchup. 7-0 Columbus taking on 7-0 Hitchcock.

First quarter, Hitchcock's Jamarcus Davis scores from 3 yards out. 7-0 Bulldogs.

Cardinals answer back. Adam Schobel to Jordan Woods. That's a 12 yard touchdown pass to make it 7-7.

Second quarter, same score, Lloyd Jones scrambles all the way to his right and finally finds Bryce Dorsey in the middle of the field. Dorsey does the rest as he runs all the way to the left and into the endzone. 14-7 Hitchcock.

4 seconds left in the half and Schobel finds Woods again for a 24 yard score. But Hitchcock would pull this one out 33-28 to remain undefeated.

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