Pearland Dawson at Pearland - 2020 Week 8 Highlights


Let's go out to the Rig for the Annual grudge match between Pearland and Dawson...And this one was a slugfest with neither offense able to get much going, this is Pearland's Darius Hale with a nice run to set up a touchdown but they miss the extra point so the Oilers take a 6-3 lead at the half...

In the 2nd half, Dawson starts to put it together on offense. Senior Blake Smith takes advantage of some great blocking up front, hey i could have got through that hole! Dawson with a 10-6 lead.

Later, they blow open another hole to cap another clock eating drive and the Eagles, look more like a python tonight as they administer a slow death to their neighborhood rivals, 17-6 was the final.

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