Barbers Hill Lady Eagles vs George Ranch Lady Longhorns - 2015/16 Girls Basketball Area Round 2/19/16


George Ranch Barbers Hill 1. Barbers Hill’s Madison Armer with the Jumper The Lady Eagles started the game on a 10-0 run 2. George Ranch’s Lady Longhorns answered…Kendell Bess turnaround jumper off the glass for 2… 3. Then Julia Shwake Drives and scores, Ranch is mounting a comeback 4. Then Shwake shoots the three and banks it on off the glass. Hill Up 14-9 after one…. 5. 2nd quarter. Hill uses it’s size inside to pull ahead. 6’4”sophomore Charli Collier gets the board , the put back and the foul. 6. Then they go back to her and she beats the triple team, scores and gets fouled again. 7.She was pretty much unstoppable..She takes the pass and lays it in.Hill up by 15 at the break 31-15. 8. 3rd quarter …guess who..Charli Collier inside for 2 more…(did I mention she was just a sophomore) 9. Then Kayla Konarik hits the 3 from the corner…the lead is 19…40-21…Barbers Hill wins it 54-38

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