Friendswood High School Choir - Chevy Spotlight

Sounds of choir singing It's the sound of success, Friendswood is to choir what Katy is to Football. All Staters, Sweepstakes Winners, UIL outstanding performers year in year out. This program here at Friendswood has probably been the highlight of my teaching career, I feel like it's been the perfect fit from day 1, the kids are extremely talented here, very motivated, very hard working very dedicated. Goode deserves plenty of credit for directing the success. She's been directing choir's around the southeast Houston area for close to 30 years and is currently the Texas Music Educators Association president elect. She's so amazing and such a phenomenal teacher, I've learned so much these past 4 years of being in choir I had never been in choir until my freshman year teaches us in a good manner, the freshman she accommodates both the all staters and the freshman. She's good at rearranging us, learn so much from us. From starting choir as a Freshman to this Sound Full -- Oh, oh, oh pulling me out to the smiles and the Streets that I love Good morning Baltimore In addition to the beautiful voice, McHenry was crowned homecoming queen, but she's not alone as most members of the choir participate in other extra curricular activities. Like I do theatre, I'm a male cheerleader, and I'm in community service Interact stuff I does all these other things, and choir allows me to be in choir and do all these other things as well which is really cool. The Friendswood Choir This Week's Chevy Spotlight