Christopher Raven, Aldine Davis High School Wide Receiver- Chevy Spotlight
As Aldine Davis notched his first win of the season on Friday night backup wide receiver Christopher Raven was relegated to the sidelines. But although the 5-7 143 pound senior was frustrated that he didn't get into the game, he just took it all in stride because that's what Christopher does. Coach is always preaching buy in, buy in so I got to buy in and strap it up and buckle down and let the other team know they're going to get this work. And Christopher's athletic and academic responsibilities at Davis are just part of his daily routine. My Grandmother she has Alzheimers, my stepdad he's blind, my mom she's blind and my little brother is blind in his left eye. Not only does Christopher sort through the mail each day, for his family he also gets his stepdad on the bus each day so he can get to work. Before Christopher heads to school, As far as Christopher’s football games. I love it, I love hearing all the people cheering, except I have to admit once I cheered for the wrong team. While Christopher longs to play more football and be a football superstar, his parents are just happy to hear about his football exploits, besides they always think he's a superstar. The idea that he has grown up with parents that don't have any vision has heightened his humility basically. He's always willing to help somebody. It doesn't matter if you're blind deaf, missing some ligaments, missing an arm nothing is impossible, you can go out and do what you want to do. Good Play Man. That's Christopher so confident in himself that he's always available to congratulate others on their accomplishments Christopher Raven this week’s Chevy Spotlight