Carl's Jr. Friday Night Fever - Jersey Village Cheerleaders


It was just another normal day on 290, but it wasn't a wreck that had motorists slowing down Sounds of cheering and car horns honking. When you have the food of Carl's Jr. and the defending national champion Jersey Village Cheerleaders there's good reason for pause. It took a lot of hard work and a lot of effort, the girls really became close when we were practicing and working really hard and it just all came together and we won. It honestly didn't hit me until a few weeks after it happened, I pulled out my jacket out of the closet and thought wow, if I didn't win nationals I wouldn't have this jacket. And honestly there were days when I kind of cried and think we really did it, Jersey Village really became the best in the nation. They've won nationals twice in the past 4 years, but what's even more remarkable is that several members of the squad also make time for other extra curricular activities. Most of our squad is involved in other activities outside of cheerleaders, we have FFA, choir band. A large percentage of our girls are national honor society, science national honor society, Spanish national honor society. At the Carl's Jr. on 290 between Pinemont and Bingle, I'm Dave Knobler with a case of Friday Night Fever.

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